Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Baby or Not !?

Today was an utterly fantastic day. I gathered with my family members again since it was the day of chinese lunar year . My sister always chatted about baby and the stuffs after our marriage. She was such a wonderful woman and her interest in family planning gave me insight and inspiration.We talked about whether giving birth to have a baby or just breeding pets for living, and found that I needed to carry on embracing cats and dogs rather than children. I admited that my wife with I did not want to have a baby. This meant I had to maintain the family world just two of us. My wife expressed her fear of breeding baby because she had been a social worker, and the experience with marginal youngsters impressed her very much. She did not want to suffer burden from bringing up a baby. Frankly, I agreeded with her opinion as taking so much responsibility to feed a baby. My sister advised me that baby is a great creation and she or he would bring us happiness in my future life, particularly they could make our family as a whole. I didn't think it was right yet, however I would keep practicing our living in which my wife with I just enjoyed life with our lovely pets, 3 cats and 2 dogs altogether. I just knew that they didn't need going school and spent our money much on the expenditures in education activities. As for breeding dogs, we just felt easy to bring them out for a walk, throwing ball for them to catch up. Breeding cats was more easier than everything, we just kept them inside and they would walk around the place. Their behavours always made us smile and became relaxing. My sister said that the time to give birth for a baby was limited, we might catch the timing, and didn't miss it. That was a great idea, however running the schedule for a baby was not suitable for us, however I would enjoy the moment that my wife and I kept in going with our pets rather than baby. Might be changed in future moment with something inspiration....

Hi! everybody, I am Kenny Tang (4.63Mb)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Insight in First Session

Interactive learning with the help of different materials stimulates me to boarden my experience to learn. The teaching slides in first session gave me lots of insights to think about how to utilize vivid and colourful stuffs to put into presentation. Probably it depends on the purpose of presentation that may help creator to organize different materials into one continuous platform, and it may have tremdous power to deliver messages from one to others