Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Final Prototype
Other fla:
Other swf:
Friday, May 11, 2007
A Brief Description on How Representation Works
Firstly, I have discussed with one of my classmate to brainstorm the ideas of our assignment, however I completed the job individually after my partner had dropped out. The topics of “representing of mood” and “Egypt’s Tour” that we raised, and I choose the latter one as my representation. Browsing over the websites available, I found that there was full of information available for someone to search, but it was not easily to be differentiated and graphics should be selected precisely. For the convenience of both the friends and viewers who might came across with a glance or impression with limited time, it is essential to have a simple and vivid website in a visual and interactive format to introduce the sightseeing spots in Egypt. As my traveling experience 2 years before, photos and information might be used to construct our representation for the attraction to viewers, I regarded that a simple and colorful designed visual interactive representation could help to attain the objective. I decided to make the image as a type of planner book that could introduce basic attractions within several pages. Undoubtedly, there were many conditions to handle the software of flash in more assessable way. The last prototype was the challenge for me to handle well in operation of flash but it helped me to know how to make the product to be vivid and interactive with viewers.
The Use of the representation
This interactive visual representation was mainly designed for communication of information. Target users are able to get impression and basic information they need from this representation. The design of planner was made with more user-friendly process. Viewers just did a few clicks to get information needed and graphics were the main information. .This representation could also be used as a reference material for teaching and learning. For instance, when students were asked to write an impression and basic information for an essay or do a project to introduce tourist attractions in Egypt or to plan a trip in Egypt, they might collect useful information from this representation and it might help in learning purpose in a certain extent.
The functionality of the representation
Through these interactive visual representation tourists, someone could get preliminary information about the areas in Egypt. They would find the photos that attracted them to seek further information by clicking the pictures. Then the picture could be chosen to have a glance. At the same time, a page of hyperlinks appear to refer information if the viewer hoped to get something browsing for. The page of route and map presented my trace, photos and information. Someone could put the mouse on the interaction buttons to get information vividly. Then certain relevant information of books, CD would pop up as someone who clicked the links. The design was simple enough for all kinds of viewers who wanted to know more about tourist attractions in Egypt.
As I have mentioned above, this representation is for the intention of sharing basic information and data for those who want to get initial glance on Egypt. With the technical limitation of IT skills and the time constraint, it is certainly necessary to improve in some areas. For example, the size of interactive stage and fonts should be bigger to attract others and presented clearly. More tourist attractions and information icons could be included in the representation. I have experienced a series of tasks that could make me insights on how to improve the interactive presentation and make a good representation.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Latest Version on the final prototype
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Approaching to my final product - Part 3

Approaching to my final product - Part 2
Approaching to my final product - Part 1

Story Board for my final assignment - Part 7

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Story Board for my final assignment - Part 6

Story Board for my final assignment - Part 5

Thursday, April 12, 2007
Story Board for my final assignment - Part 4

Story Board for my final assignment - Part 3
1. Front page: the main purpose of front page is to demonstrate the main content on this website. Something attractive graphics is stated for enchanting someone to stay awhile. Front page may also be looked upon as a basic structure for the whole pages that are going to produce. Therefore, it is designed as a main template in which I could create other pages with similar design and pattern. I have posted a “Click Me” button to present several photos with interactive function; it may attract someone to pay attention to the representation.

3. Dairy: unique and precious experience is disclosed to share with viewers with sentimental approach since the reader may get interested in first impression, not just only searching traveling hints with informative mind.
4. Gallery: lots of attractive images and photos are posted as a pool so that the viewers can find something interesting by a glance of searching. Graphic information can enchant the viewers to pay attention on it.

5. Other information: I believe that no one can manage all the things that are enough for someone to fulfill the searching need, more importantly, further information should be provided as hyperlinks or websites as one’s preference.

Story Board for my final assignment - Part 2

Story Board for my final assignment - Part 1

Sunday, March 25, 2007
Preparation for my final assignment - Part 4
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Preparation for my final assignment - Part 3
Theories of learning from texts and visual displays:
Dual Coding Theory
Majority of theories state that people can learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone (Mayer, 2005). According to Paivio’s (1986) dual coding theory, there are two cognitive subsystems, one specialized for the representation and processing of nonverbal objects/events (i.e., imagery), and the other specialized for dealing with language. Paivio also assumes two different types of representational units: "imagens" for mental images and "logogens" for verbal entities. Logogens are organized in terms of associations and hierarchies while imagens are organized in terms of part-whole relationships.

Integrative Model of Text and Picture Comprehension
Other research throughout the 1990s has also demonstrated that visual displays have supportive effects on communication of information, thinking, and learning. Furthermore,
carefully constructed pictures as visual text adjuncts can not only have a decorative function, but also have functions of representation, organization, interpretation, and mnemonic encoding (Levin, Anglin & Carney, 1987).
With the help of above theories, interactive multimedia undoubtedly provide evident to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning. As my knowledge, well-designed multimedia is very time-consuming and necessary for money input; however, If the interactive learning purposes are managed to reach and identified by viewer or learner with impression, it could be a valuable media to use. Thus, interactive multimedia can help teachers streamline their preparations of teaching materials and be more efficient in deliver the message, information, or knowledge to other people. As my assignment of traveling information, I hope to achieve the prominent objectives to fulfill the basic principles by above literature information.
Chandler, P., & Sweller, J. (1991). Cognitive load theory and the format of instruction. Cognitive and Instruction, 8, 293-332.
Mayer, R. E. (1997). Multimedia learning: Are we asking the right questions? Educational Psychologist, 32, 1-19.
Schnotz, W. (2002). Commentary - Towards an integrated view of learning from text and visual displays. Educational Psychology Review, 14(1), 101-120.
Preparation for my final assignment - Part 2
My friends or any viewers who get interested in basic impression and travelling information from Egypt
Preparation for my final assignment - Part 1
One photo had been taken from Zoser's step-pyramid at Saqqarah. However, how I use this picture to demonstrate attractive learning object for my representation?
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Task 3: Raindrop

Monday, March 12, 2007
Reflection on Session 2
Saturday, March 10, 2007
How I design my representation for Task 2 - Part 4

Other sources:
The magnetic field between sun and earth:
The earth's atmosphere:
How I design my representation for Task 2 - Part 3

How I design my representation for Task 2 - Part 2

How I design my representation for Task 2 - Part 1

Initially, I planed to make the representation by noting down which keywords should be in cluded and illustrated within a confined area for one page only. I drafted out the ideas by the method of mind-mapping, I could clarify my ideas with respect to the keywords or concept assigned by the topic. One by one, I used the lines to associate with the related concept that included several keywords to demonstrate the contents. It was also the time for me to think about the method or style of presentation. I would consider choosing either referring other diagrams or pictures by ready-made format or hand made by myself.