I created a flash of slides-player to present my photos, however I came across a problem of handling time-lap while I was loading other attached .swfs or photos from a distance site at ILN's server. Although part of my pages have been inserted with a loading screen, and the viewer could notice the files when the pocess of loading was completed 100%, it made me consider either all material were cutted down the size or, a preferrable site of blog could be stored with files with great extent of memories. Anyway, do any classmate find difficulty to handling loading or just I was too ambitious to enclose lots of stuff? I found that the topic of loading interactive materials would be my attention during learning process. In future, I should consider how to create interactive representation but it could be viewed promptly, and being user-friendly made for my viewer.
After seeing your photostory, I expect to visit there.
Hello, Kenny,
I know nothing about technical stuff. But, wow, you sure have given a lot of thoughts and efforts on your final assignment! So, I see yours is an information sharing learning object.
As you’ve mentioned Paivio’s (1986) dual coding theory, I wonder if you are thinking of including some information IN language - it seems that you have already prepared a lot of imagery.
In other words, are you planning to have some other interactivities such as pop-ups of interesting historical knowledge and information about what is shown on the photos? I notice that, on the side panel, you already included the latest news about a French architect’s theory on the building of pyramids.
Well, that’s just my two-cent worth ideas.
David Cheng
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