Finally, by using the main template of front page, I completed all other pages with interactive tags that were done by the structure of button in flash. someone might find interesting button on the left, named "Click Me", to get impression by a serie of photos. Music was inserted as well for the enhancement of attenion. Specific and colorful tags were created for someone who caught the separated topic clearly. The design of content for each topic will be left to further elaborate.
Your story board is clear and in detail. Good job.
For my view, I think your design is quite similiar to the format of webquest. You may take a look the webquest website created by CUHK and see whether any ideas can be generated from webquest.
Here is the reference link:
Ryan Yue
It is very nice, the words are too small. If you changed the size of those words, I think that it will be better.
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